arlington national cemetery

Arlington National Cemetery, located in Arlington, Virginia, directly across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C., is the largest military cemetery in the United States. Established during the Civil War on the grounds of Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s former estate, it spans 639 acres and is the final resting place for over 400,000 individuals who have served in the U.S. military.

Key Features:

  • Tomb of the Unknown Soldier: This iconic monument honors unidentified U.S. service members from past wars. The tomb is guarded 24/7 by the U.S. Army’s 3rd Infantry Regiment, known as “The Old Guard,” symbolizing the nation’s respect and gratitude.
  • Presidential Gravesites: The cemetery is the burial site of several U.S. presidents, including William Howard Taft and John F. Kennedy. The Kennedy gravesite is marked by an eternal flame, attracting visitors worldwide.
  • Arlington House: Also known as the Robert E. Lee Memorial, this historic mansion was once the home of George Washington Parke Custis and later General Robert E. Lee. It now serves as a museum, offering insights into the site’s complex history.

Visiting Information:

Arlington National Cemetery is open to the public daily, with operating hours from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Visitors can explore the grounds independently or join guided tours to learn about the site’s rich history and the stories of those interred there.

Recent Developments:

In recent months, Arlington National Cemetery has been at the center of discussions regarding its portrayal of diverse veterans. Reports indicate that the cemetery’s website removed content highlighting notable Black, Hispanic, and female veterans, reportedly to comply with federal directives on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

News Highlight:

For more detailed information on visiting hours, tour options, and the latest updates, please refer to the official Arlington National Cemetery website.